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22. Wanderlust Enthusiast. General Rambler.

Tuesday 28 August 2012

The End is Just The Beginning

Ah! Summer is almost over which means one thing and one thing only...


After what has, undoubtedly, been the longest summer of my entire existence it is finally time for me to gather up all my shit, pop it all in the car and get it all set up in my lovely new house in time for the start of a brand new school year. There is even a new job on the horizon.

Of course, it means returning to lectures and I basically had a miniature heart attack when I saw that sodding Jeffery Chaucer is my mother loving reading list. I appreciate I'm an English student but studying Chaucer is pretty much the same as studying 16th Century Dutch and that's quite clearly NOT what I signed up for. I think this year, I may, maybe, have to actually read all the books. I have a sneaky suspicion Sparknotes won't cut it.


Relatively sure my year will be full of the same old boy drama, messy nights out, lack of sleep and hideous mental break downs, but then again, I suppose that's what being young is all about.

Sorry I've been AWOL too. I haven't been able to string a sentence together in weeks, think I'm losing my writing mojo...

- Hayley xx

1 comment:

  1. dont worry everything s gonna be ok ;). enjoy ur last days of summer.
