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22. Wanderlust Enthusiast. General Rambler.

Thursday 26 April 2012

Time To Start Again

I've come home for the weekend. I needed too. University is incredible but I barely get a moment to breath and frankly that's all I've needed to do since the moment I got back. Talking things out with my Mum always helps, I'm really lucky that she's a best friend as well as a my Mum. Pure role model. She helps me sort out my thoughts and always gets me back on track, hence it being time to start again.

So, here is what I'm going to do:

  1. Man Ban. I get fucked about and walked all over and I hate it. Whilst I have absolutely no issues with girls viewing sex the way boys do, I know in myself that it's not for me. Sleeping about doesn't and won't make me feel any better about myself. Obviously, you kinda need it every now and again, but sober me always wants to yell at drunk me when she gets carried away. Plus, I so much as think about sex and automatically assume I'm going to have a baby, so there we go.
  2. Less Alcohol. I'm a student, other than write and read my life revolves around drinking. Cliche but so, very true. However, when I'm drunk I do stupid things, say stupid things and almost always wake up with a bruised shin (I'm clumsy when not intoxicated, it's a wonder I've never broken anything) and the mother of all hangovers. I'm not converting to sobriety, but I am proposing that I drink less and give myself half a chance of making better informed decisions.
  3. New Hair. I'm bored of the orange. I want to be bright, fiery red again. With my tips re-yellow'd. I know everyone else is dip-dying their hair now, but I love mine and I obviously do it better than the rest, so whatever. New hair always makes me feel so much better about myself too.
  4. Weight Loss. This one I'm actually doing well at, I'm even going to invest in some nice gym gear so that I don't resemble a sweaty tramp when I'm working out. (Nothing wrong with sweaty tramps though... obvz)
  5. New Wardrobe. Admittedly, this is probably just an excuse for me to shop some more, but whatever. New clothes ALWAYS make me smile.
So, with new hair, a new(ish) body, new clothes and a uncluttered mind hopefully I'll start to feel better about things and be able to get myself back on track. 
Being a drunk, semi-slutty mess has been fun, but it's not me and I think it's time I got back to who I really am.


- Hayley xx

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