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22. Wanderlust Enthusiast. General Rambler.

Friday, 14 February 2014

Happy Valentines Day, Losers!

Valentines Day, for want of a better word, SUCKS when you are single.
All of your single friends who are telling you that they are like, beyond glad they don't have to spend money on shitty gifts and shitty dinners are L Y I N G!
They are lying to both you and to themselves.
They are lying because whilst yes, Valentines day is a holiday created entirely to make money, it also really is impossible not to feel soul destoryingly alone when you have been bombarded with nothing but love hearts and roses since the clock struck 12 on New Years Eve.
You can't help it, I mean, you know that when you are with someone, you should make them feel like everyday is Valentines Day, but it doesn't change the fact that you don't have that at the moment. Chocolates on your pillow and soppy cards may be lame, but unless you are completely made of stone, you can't help but feel sad that you don't get to be a part of it.

Therefore, since this year I am firmly in camp single and convincing myself that I would rather spend this day with a bottle of wine anyway, I would like to share the love with the amazing people who complete my life. They remind me every day that it all gets easier with time.

It really is true what they say, relationships come and go but, family and friends, those idiots are here forever. Sometimes it take something traumatic to make you see just how much you really have. It happened 8 years ago when my family got turned upside down, it happened when we lost my Nonno, and it happened when my heart broke for the first time. Each and every single one of those events, and all the little ones in between, have made me realise just how lucky I actually am.

My family and friends are 110% the best people I know.

They don't feel like it, but sometimes break ups are miracles in disguise. I'm not saying they are easy, because they're not. Even if things appear to end mutually, no party walks away unscathed, especially not when it's your first. Break ups literally make you cry ALL of the time and yet they help you see who's there to wipe away the tears. It'll probably surprise you who those people actually are.

I'm a self confessed crazy person, but there are this amazing group of people who surround me and never leave. No matter how many dumb, drunk, DELIRIOUS decisions I make; they stay. No matter if they disagree with my actions or think I'm acting like a child; they stay. They aren't afraid to tell me to get my head out of my arse. They aren't afraid to slap me across the face and tell me to wake up and smell the coffee despite knowing that by doing that, they will then have to watch me cry some more.

These are the people that weather the storm with you. They are your parents and your best friends and your housemates and you colleagues. They are the most wonderful things you have and they are so better than flowers from a person who may or may not be here at Christmas.

I'm not saying that being in a relationship wasn't wonderful because it was and whenever the time is right, it will be again. Relationships are magical even if they don't work out how you wanted because they teach more about yourself than you ever thought possible. You can't regret them, I certainly don't. It's just really important to remember that if they end, you really haven't lost everything, despite it feeling that way.

So, Happy Valentines Day, you incredible bunch.
I love you and you're stuck with me, so ha!


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