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22. Wanderlust Enthusiast. General Rambler.

Wednesday, 16 January 2013

It's a Carrie 2.0

Whilst Blair Waldorf is my home girl (do excuse the experssion), there will only ever be one New York girl who truely has my heart;  Carrie Bradshaw.

She is just about everything I want to be, and because technically, she isn't a real person, I might actually stand a chance of seeing it happen. With a warbrobe busting at the seams, Vogue on speed dial, amazing friends, Big AND a successful career being paid to write about her own life and opinions.
She pretty much is the dream.

Ok, so I was just too young to catch SATC when it was in it's prime (a girl can't help when she was born), but I spent a lot of time playing catch up, and can now pretty reciete the 6th season and the first film. Naturally I was over joyed when Candace Bushnell realesed The Carrie Diaries and Summer and The City - tale of Miss Bradshaw back when she was still at school, still trying to find herself, still a virgin and still helplessly in love with the city.

Sound familiar, much?!

It was time for a new era of Carrie's to take the reigns, of course we were lucky, we already Queen B and Serena, but now that they are off the airwaves for good *sobs* The Carrie Diaries can FINALLY take centre stage.

It doesn't disappoint, Anna Sophia Robb is kinda perf as the young Carrie, the outfits are great, especially the scenes shot in New York (I mean, obviously), and at long last a TV show about young women who lose their virginity and, praise be, actually say that it hurts! Hoorah!

I look forward to my Bradshaw/Manhatten obsession kicking back into full swing, I look forward to being reminded exactly what it is I want to do, who it is I want to be and quite why Carrie is so important as a female figure within the public media. Because fictional as she may be, Carrie Bradshaw and the rest of SATC girl really have inspired and shaped countless amounts of women.

And who knows, maybe I will possess the writing skills of Ms Bradshaw, the edge of Ms Waldorf and their wardrobes combind and actually make something of myself... One day...

If I ever finish University!!

Much love xo

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